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Blanks (E) Working Group

2024 Membership (PDF)

2025 Charges

  1. The Blanks (E) Working Group will:
    1. Consider improvements and revisions to the various annual/quarterly statement blanks to:
      1. Conform these blanks to changes made in other areas of the ²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù¹Ù·½ to promote uniformity in reporting of financial information by insurers.
      2. Develop reporting formats for other entities subject to the jurisdiction of state insurance departments.
      3. Conform the various ²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù¹Ù·½ blanks and instructions to adopted ²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù¹Ù·½ policy.
      4. Oversee the development of additional reporting formats within the existing annual financial statements as needs are identified.
    2. Continue to monitor state filing checklists to maintain current filing requirements.
    3. Continue to monitor and improve the quality of financial data filed by insurance companies by recommending improved or additional language for the Annual Statement Instructions.
    4. Continue to monitor and review all proposals necessary for the implementation of statutory accounting guidance to ensure proper implementation of any action taken by the Accounting Practices and Procedures (E) Task Force affecting annual financial statements and/or instructions.
    5. Continue to coordinate with other task forces of the ²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù¹Ù·½ to ensure proper implementation of reporting and instructions changes as proposed by these taskforces.
    6. Coordinate with the applicable task forces and working groups as needed to avoid duplication of reporting within the annual and quarterly statement blanks.
    7. Consider proposals presented that would address duplication in reporting, eliminate data elements, financial schedules and disclosures that are no longer needed, and coordinate with other ²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù¹Ù·½ task forces and working groups if applicable, to ensure revised reporting still meets the needs of regulators.
    8. Review requests for investment schedule blanks and instructions changes in connection with the work being performed by the Capital Adequacy (E) Task Force and its working groups.
    9. Review changes requested by the Valuation of Securities (E) Task Force relating to its work on other invested assets reporting for technical consistency within the investment reporting schedules and instructions.
Blanks (E) Working Group

Public Webex Meeting
Thursday, March 06, 2025
12:00 PM ET, 11:00 AM CT, 10:00 AM MT, 9:00 AM PT
Expected Length of Call: 1 hr

Blanks (E) Working Group
Items Received for Comment

Last Updated December 17, 2024

Please address comment letters to Debbie Doggett, Chair of the Blanks (E) Working Group, and direct to ²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù¹Ù·½ support staff, Mary Caswell and Jill Youtsey.

Ref No. Description Comment Deadline
2024-13BWG Update the annual investment schedules for editorial items to the bond project. (Investment Sch. General Instructions, Sch. D Verification, Sch. D Part 1A, Sch. D Parts 3 & 4, Sch. DL Parts 1 & 2, and Sch. E Parts 1 & 2). 02/06/2025
2024-14BWG Update the 2025 annual (2026 quarterly) investment schedules line category for Bonds Issued by Funds Representing Operating Entities. (Annual - Investment Schedule General Instructions, Summary Investment Sch., Summary By Country, Sch. D Part 1A, Sch. D Part 1 Section 1, Sch. D Parts 3, 4, & 5, Sch. DA Part 1, Sch. DL Parts 1 & 2, and Sch. E Part 2 / Quarterly – Investment Schedule General Instructions, Sch. D Parts 3 & 4, Sch. DL Parts 1 & 2, and Sch. E Part 2). 02/06/2025
2024-15BWG Remove the ACA disclosure on the transitional reinsurance program and the risk corridors program from the Supplemental Health Care Exhibit. 02/06/2025
2024-16BWG Remove the quarterly investment interrogatory line 13 for reporting mortgages and real estate in short-term investments. Renumber all lines below the line being removed. 02/06/2025
2024-17BWG Add a line to the Market Conduct Annual Statement (MCAS) Premium Exhibit for Pet Insurance. 02/06/2025
2024-18BWG Add a footnote to the Supplemental Health Care Exhibit (SHCE) Part 2 to report the amount of premium deficiency reserves that are included in different lines of Part 2. 02/06/2025
2024-19BWG Update Schedule BA line categories and instructions for the expansion of collateral loans. Add two electronic-only columns on Schedule BA, Part 1, for reporting fair value of collateral backing and the percentage of the collateral. Update the Assets Valuation Reserve instructions and blank for the added collateral loan lines. 02/06/2025
2024-20BWG Add an electronic-only company contact information field to the annual and quarterly Jurat page for the assessment contact. 02/06/2025
2024-21BWG Update Schedule D, Parts 4 and Part 5, instructions to add clarifying instructions on what should be included on the investment schedule. (SAPWG Ref #2024-16). 02/06/2025
2024-22BWG Update Schedule BA definitions for Surplus Debentures and Capital Notes to add clarification on what should be reported in these categories. (SAPWG Ref #2024-28). 02/06/2025



Education & Training Events

For annual statement preparation online courses, refer to the ²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù¹Ù·½ Education & Training Web page.

Related ²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù¹Ù·½ Publications


Media Inquiries
(816) 783-8909

Mary Caswell
Senior Manager – Data Quality
– Blanks (E) Working Group 
– Financial Reporting

Jill Youtsey
Manager - FDR Data Quality 
– Annual/Quarterly Statement Instructions Publication

Julie Gann
Assistant Director - Solvency Policy

Linda Hunsucker
Senior Insurance Reporting Analyst
– State Filing Checklists
– Annual/Quarterly Statement Blanks Publication

Please see the current Committee List for a complete list of committee members.